Wednesday, April 13, 2011

First practical exam

Nerves. Tissues that signal my toes to start tinkling, my heart beat to rise.
It's the awful anticipation of waiting outside the exam room, ears sensitive to the call of my name. And then it came, 20 minutes later. As I stepped in, I was met with two quesitons.

Left active ankle dorsiflexion ROM, left elbow flexion manual muscle test.

It's funny how under pressure, you take their right ankle and measure it, thinking it's their left. Or that you read an angle that's far greater than what it is supposed to be.
Because I did just that.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

In a few weeks time, I"ll be heading off to Mudgee for one week's placement at the hospital.

Time has passed by so quickly. Oh how I take for granted, the blessing of each and every day.